Best books for upsc preparation in English

Indian Polity

The book “Indian Polity”, 6th edition is a must-read for the aspirants appearing for the Civil Services examinations as well as the other State Services examinations.

Indian Art and Culture

This book offers comprehensive and latest information covering the broad field of knowledge on Indian art, paintings, music, and architecture for the aspirants of Civil Services Preliminary and Main Examinations.

Modern Indian History

It is not just the mainstream freedom struggle that has been considered; the disparate efforts—small but significant—of several groups have also been discussed. The political and socio-economic developments that have influenced the growth of modern India have been dealt with in independent chapters.

Ancient Indian History

Thapar tells the extraordinary story of this great civilization – a civilization always based on diverse, often warring sources and that left the astounding buildings and beliefs that still fill India. This book is the authoritative history told with style and meticulous attention to detail by the world’s leading authority.

Medieval India History

Satish Chandra’s History of Medieval India is a comprehensive overview of the history of the Indian subcontinent during the thousand-year period between the eighth and the eighteenth century. History of Medieval India studies this interesting period in Indian history when the land underwent drastic changes, deeply influenced by the invading armies, religious movements, and the vicissitudes of the changing political, economic and cultural scene.

World History for Upsc

Meant for the Civil Services Main Examination this book on “World History” presents the events of world history in a chronological manner. The discussions on the topics are panoramic, they discuss the topic from all possible angles which answer questions like, what happened? when did it happen? and how did it happen? and what was the outcome? These discussions will help the students thoroughly understand the subject and develop a perspective.

Indian Economy for Upsc

This book is an outcome of threadbare discussions with tens of thousands of students appearing for the Civil Services Examination. The book has strong conventional and conceptual foundations, thereby it is meant to be the base book for covering economics for all competitive examinations in the country-particularly, the Civil Services Examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).


This post is for the topic ‘Upsc Best Book‘, for preparation in home and for the reference for advanced study.

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.