Radar and its applications

Radar stands for Radio Detection and Ranging System. Used to detect and locate objects like an aeroplane, missile, ships, etc. Radar uses electromagnetic waves radiated by an antenna in all directions when a signal strikes an object, it gets reflected.  This reflected signal is received by a radar antenna and fed to the receiver. The … Read more

Generation of mobile communication technologies

Generation of mobile communication technologies

Mobile communication introduction Mobile communication is the technology that makes us connect with others (person, devices, etc.), without using physical connections or wires. The first mobile was demonstrated by Martin Cooper and John F. Mitchell of Motorola in 1973. Also, the first commercial cellular network was introduced by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone in 1979 in … Read more

Application of Information and communication technology(ICT)

Application of Information and communication technology(ICT)

Information and Communication technology is used in areas such as Medicine, Defence, e-governance, Banking, etc. With the advances in computing infrastructure and communication got automated in recent times. Application of Information and communication technology Agriculture Widely used in increasing food productivity. Optimize the use of water, seeds and fertilizers. Use of robots, temperature, moisture sensors, … Read more

Sharing your stories has never been easier

Nunc id sapien finibus faucibus odio vitae aliquam eros. Ante ex mauris a mus lobortis, urna elit odio nibh ac aliquet ipsum leo commodo quam. Proin semper leo ligula aenean utt erat non quam amet. Morbi fames tempor purus, at semper velit sapien vel in blandit ante. Etiam feugiat ligula turpis enim pulvinar mollis sed. … Read more

Bones and muscles in the Human body

Bones and muscles in the Human body

Bones and Joints The adult human skeleton consists of 206 bones. The bones along with approximately 700 skeletal muscles account for 50% of our body weight. Bones provide protection and support. When two or more bones join together, a joint or articulation is formed. Several types of joints help in movements. Muscles Muscles are elastic … Read more

Water pollution causes effects and solutions Upsc

Water pollution causes effects and solutions

Water Pollution Definition “The introduction (directly or indirectly) of substances or energy into the marine environment (including estuaries) results in deleterious effects to living resources, hazards to human health, a hindrance to marine activities” said United Nations, 1971. Effects of Water Pollution Water pollution adversely affects the health and life of man, animals, and plants … Read more

Classification of Materials in electronics

Classification of Materials in electronics

Classification of Materials Solids are classified into insulators, metals, and semiconductors. Insulators The valence band and the conductor band are separated from each other by an enormous energy gap. The energy gap between the valence band and the conductor is approximately 6eV. The energy gap is enormous, and even high voltage or electric field or … Read more

Digital electronics and logic gates

Digital Electronics It is a sub-branch of electronics that deals with digital signals. Used in large applications from high-end processor circuits to miniature circuits for signal processing, communication, etc. It is preferred over analog signals for its performance, accuracy, speed, immunity to noise, etc. Analog and Digital Signal Analog signal is varying voltage or current … Read more

What is an oscillator explain transistor as an oscillator?

What is oscillator explain transistor as an oscillator

What is an oscillator? The oscillator is a mechanical or electrical apparatus that produces periodic fluctuation. Or it is a device that produces a repeated waveform. This signal can be a sine wave, a square wave, or a triangle wave. Oscillators are used in a wide variety of electronic devices, including clocks, radios, computers, and … Read more

Semiconductor optoelectronic devices applications

Semiconductor optoelectronic devices applications

Optoelectric devices The devices that convert electrical energy into light and light into electrical energy through semiconductors. Example of Optoelectric devices is Light-emitting diodes, photodiodes, and solar cells. Light Emitting Diode (LED) LED is a p-n junction diode that emits visible or invisible light when forward biased. The electrical energy is converted into light energy … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.